Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Light Side of the Moon

I am a child of the moon, as are you. We are all her children as we journey through life and death.

We are accepting, empathetic, curious, independent. Children of the moon choose to live life as it should be lived- with arms wide open to all those who wish to feel as if they belong. We are here to help those move on to a better life and transition into a state of love and welcomeness. We relate to the moon as when other places seem dark, we offer a light.

The moon is our guide and our mother. Our society sees her as our leader and she will always be the light in our dark times. We all go through phases of change, just as the moon. Some may change faster than others or be in different stages- Children of the Moon are always here to offer a hand. Sometimes it may seem that no one is there for you. Just as the moon goes into a new stage, we may be harder to find but we never leave.

Children of the moon are mainly an organic society. We like to live from the land and cultivate our nourishment, yet we understand not everyone can do this. We have created our own farms, vineyards, and orchards that provide us with all the nutrition we need. We do not all settle in one place; children of the moon are located all over the globe. Mainly settlements are located in grassy areas with great soil and lots of acreage as well near a river to capture fresh water. We do not judge those that prefer to eat processed foods and use inorganic materials for everyone is allowed to believe and do whatever it is that makes them the happiest and feel one with the world. Our main goal is to promote a society that is accepting of everyone, no matter their race, gender, or sexuality. It seems that today's world tries to promote these ideas but they are never accomplished. We are here to change that. Take pride in who you are! Remember though, as you take pride and nobility in who you are and want to be, you should never diminish another's ideas or push your own ideas onto someone else. Let them make their ideologies and beliefs.

Understand that if someone does not ask or want help, it will not be forced upon them. If one wants to change the way they live, the moon's children can provide anything and everything they may need. We have no preconceived ideas or cookie cutter model of who is to be a child of the moon. We come in all shapes and sizes and would never fit into a mold. Don't be hesitant to ask any questions and do not worry if you feel overwhelmed at first. We know the concept of no prejudices may confusing in this day and age but we promise nothing but love and guidance.

Children of the moon belong everywhere in this world; we are here to stay and help others who may be lost.

This is the root of Children of the Moon; it symbolizes the religious ideals that we hold. 
We are all royalty and encompass the mind, body, and spirit to connect to hearts.

We have no official religion for we believe that faith is a gift and one shall not be persecuted or judged for what they believe in. Everyone is treated equally and with respect for no one person shall rule over another; who is to say that one person is better than another? We are all a part of the same family and will strive to help those who ask for help. If we choose to have any description for what we hold as a religion it would be this: children of the moon see everyone as royalty. All are treated with respect and we believe that three most important components of a human (mind, body, and spirit) are all connected to give life to the heart.

Our hands are always intertwined and interlaced to show the connection we have between each other.

This symbolizes our root of government. Everyone is involved with the structure of our society for everyone's opinion is important and valued. The moon is the only part of the society that is charge of everyone else. There are leaders for each settlement that is created but they are not dictators. In a sense, we promote democracy but we choose not to have "party alignments" for that only separates our society.

We also will be the strength you need to carry on and will always be there to guide you.

This symbolizes our kinship and family. Every child of the moon is part a whole family that believes in freedom and acceptance. There are no initiations to be a part of this family and they will always be there for you. We value helping others and our family will always guide you on your quest to whatever you would like to achieve. We are here to help carry your burdens and eventually eliminate them from your life.

The phases of our leader are extremely important to us as they show how we learn.

This symbolizes our education system. We are forever in a learning process of how the earth and people work. We all go through phases in our learning and everyone learns differently. We understand that some people need more time while others need less time; we are always here to help. We would love to have you as a part of our beautiful society and cannot wait to show you how to live a purely blissful life with the greatest and largest family on earth! 


  1. The blog about the moon people was very interesting to read. It had a lot of detail and was extremely informative. The pictures related well with the blogs description of the different institutions.
    What I don’t understand is how the democracy would work with everyone having an equal voice, how does anything get done if there is a disagreement within the process? Also a true democracy has some sort of governing body, there cannot be a democracy if there is not a majority, how do they know who to follow? Is everyone considered a leader? Due to the fact that the government system is a democracy how do they determine their leader or head of government? Explain how things would get resolved or figured out if everyone is created equal and everyone is and will be at the same exact level as each other, there is not any governing body or someone to help make decisions or anything to that nature. If there is not a true identified leader, how would things get done and how is the government type a democracy?

    I like the idea of the moon people being educated by the moons. What was wondering is what would the outcome be if the moon people lived in the northern or southern hemisphere? How would the moon people figure out what the answers are, do they wait for months to receive the answers or do they wait until they are able to see the moon before asking questions?

  2. I enjoy your reverence of the moon! our people use it to time the planting and harvest of our crops, and A couple or group to be married must wait 9 lunar cycles before they are permitted to do so. I believe our societies would get along nicely!
    If I may make one critique, your font is a bit hard to read, although it could just be the tossing of this cable boat...
